Student Service

  • Student life

Students Life

“Orientation” includes introductory sessions/events organized and delivered by college Academic Dean to acquaint students with and provide information and assistance to new students about the various social settings and college life so that they will be aware of and be familiar with college life at the beginning of their college life.

Guiding principles

  • Acquaint new students with the wide range of issues facing them as RCTE students, including factors affecting their personal safety
  • Introduce the variety of student services that are available on college so that students feel able to navigate the college on their own
  • Assist the students in understanding rules, regulations and policies
  • Acquaint students with the college mission and goals and assist them in understanding how these relate to their life goals.
  • Assist them in discovering how to avoid potential problems and in identifying where to find help when they need it.
  • Introduce them to the strategies that will help them get on to a good start.
  • Create a college atmosphere that reduces anxiety and stimulates attractive learning environment.
  • Enhance student critical thinking, social and leadership skills.

Orientation Procedures


  • Organizing College Orientation Unit from relevant departments
  • Establishing Information Desks at convenient place
  • Preparing properly welcoming quotes which will be able to accommodate large number of students
  • Inviting resource persons who would share their experiences
  • Preparing Coordinators
  • Erecting direction indicators/labeled pointers in different places on college
  • Providing audio-visual equipment such as sound magnifier, projector, DVD player and music CD
  • At the end of each orientation session, the students shall be taken to tour the college,
  • There will be evening programs/entertainment which will offer students a chance to gather with classmates.

Students are expected to:

  • Communicate their concerns about safety or health to the college clinic immediately;
  • Contact counseling service officers about any feelings or need for counseling regarding either academic or personal problems.
  • Know that it is their responsibility to ask for assistance; however, the Counselor may refer a student at any time, if appropriate and necessary, to a higher service providing entity.
  • Get Clearance to leave college at the end of each year and keep a copy of the document for themselves.
  • Return every property when they withdraw due to illness, personal hardship, or good causes.

Female Students

RCTE needs to play the primary role and take the responsibility to alleviate challenges affecting educational success of female students; its intervention should have a comprehensive nature focusing on eliminating academic, social, psychological and economic barriers affecting the students.


  • Establish comprehensive and supportive strategy for female students that would help them reach their maximum academic competence.
  • Enhance assertive behavior and self-confidence of female students so as to help them achieve their goal and reach on their right decision.
  • Establish friendly and conducive academic environment which is free from abuse, harassment, violence and protects their legal rights.
  • Economically assist needy female students. 

Guiding Principles

  • Providing legal protection to female students’ safe teaching learning environment through coordinated work with relevant offices in the college;
  • Creating a better academic environment that would benefit female students, and canceling them on preventive measures;
  • Enhancing academic competence of female students by providing them with additional tutorial classes;
  • Assisting female students to get better services;
  • Facilitating economic support to needy female students.

Policy Statements

  • Organize female welcoming troupe differently from graduate students,
  • Special orientation and socialization programs shall be organized for female students;
  • Female students shall be categorized according to their needs;

Implementation Procedures

  • Admission of new female students would be guided by a volunteer welcoming group selected and authorized by the academic vice Dean and Students’ council coordinator.
  • To facilitate identification and support, list of incoming new female students and their respective departments shall be notified by the registrar office.
  • Realizing previous undesirable life experience of majority of female students, training will be conducted on study skills, assertiveness self-expressive skills, decision-making, and others that would reduce potential challenges during their stay in college.
  • Physical, social and sexual harassment and /or abuse on female students is a human right violation which would be referred to pertinent offices of the college and legal offices proper arraignment
  • Secure legal protection through coordinated work with relevant offices
  • For better academic environment that would benefit female students and put in place preventive measures, male students would get the opportunity for orientation and discussion with regard to violence against female students and its academic and legal consequences.
  • To enhance academic competence of female students, academic training and tutorial programs will be conducted.
  • In collaboration with relevant stockholders, economically needy female students would get assistance.
  • Empower female students so they can protect themselves from any violence and/or abuse during their stay in the college.
  • In collaboration with the gender unit and Guidance Counseling Office, female students learning in the college of the college would get advice and counseling services.
  • In collaboration with relevant stockholders, female students would have access to services within the college so that their time, labor, money and other social risks eliminated.
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