Background of RCTE

    • Background of RCTE

Robe College of Teachers Education (RCTE), which is one of the higher educations in Oromia Regional State, was established four decades ago in 1979 GC as ‘Teachers Training Institute. ’RCTE is found in Oromia Regional State, Bale Zone at Robe Administrative Town with the area of 278,980m2. Since its inception up to 2002, the college had been certifying teachers for primary schools with one year training. RCTE average enrollment capacity is about 600-700 trainees per year in regular program, 600-700 trainees per year in extension program and about 900 trainees per year in summer and distance program. A total of more than 35,000 trainees were graduated from RCTE in the past years.

The college is led by a dean who is assisted by two vice deans: Academic vice dean and Administrative vice dean. Currently, RCTE has a total of 165 staff, of which 73 are academic and 92 are administrative staffs.

In recent years, the College has been undertaking various reform schemes in order to
cope with and respond to the fast-changing national and international educational
dynamics. Accordingly, the college is giving trainings for student-teachers under five streams and 16 departments.

Robe College of Teachers' Education at a Glance
0 K+
Current Enrollments
0 +
Academic Staff
0 +
Administrative staff
0 +
m2 area of Campus
Mission Statement

Robe College of Teachers Education is committed to produce competent, capable and confident teachers who have the desired academic knowledge, sufficient professional and research skills, with democratic ideals; figuring out society’s problem through research and providing quality training which consolidate technology and economy as well as solving the shortage of teachers in Oromia Regional State.


Robe College of Teachers Education aspires to see teachers and educational leaders of academics, who are competent, knowledgeable and skillful, have good personality and could be role model in the country. Additionally, the college shoots for providing training of first degree for teachers.


Robe College of Teachers Education works on the following values in order to fulfill its accountability and mission.

  • Working with accountability;
  • Sense of cooperativeness;
  • Having inspired work motives;
  • Consolidating saving culture;
  • Providing quality, competent and immediate service;
  • Being free from inequality and corruption and Respecting rule of the law.


  • To cultivate competent, skillful and professionally ethical teachers and education experts.
  • To bring forth teachers and education experts who can solve training and educational problems through carrying out research.
  • To create sense of competition among college communities.
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