Language Stream

The formulation of the New Education and Training Policy of 1984 brought about the use of mother tongues in schools. Using the nations and nationalities’ languages in different socio-cultural spheres has continued to encourage the language speakers of Ethiopia to use and promote their mother tongues. Similarly, Afan Oromo has had the chance to be used as a medium of instruction in primary schools and as an official language of Oromia regional state. This opportunity has also led to the language being taught as a subject in Oromia region high schools. Moreover, it has become a medium of instruction in colleges of teachers education in Oromia. Having qualified personnel in Afan Oromo has therefore become an urgent need of the region. Therefore, the Government of Oromia Regional State has given due attention to promote Afan Oromo in order to meet this urgent demand for qualified professionals in Afan Oromo. Concomitantly, the program was launched at Oromia College of Teachers Education in 1985 for the first time in the history of the country. Since then, the Department has been offering Afan Oromo courses in regular, extension and summer in-service programs.


The formulation of the New Education and Training Policy of 1984 brought about the use of mother tongues in schools. Using the nations and nationalities’ languages in different socio-cultural spheres has continued to encourage the language speakers of Ethiopia to use and promote their mother tongues. Similarly, Afan Oromo has had the chance to be used as a medium of instruction in primary schools and as an official language of Oromia regional state. This opportunity has also led to the language being taught as a subject in Oromia region high schools. Moreover, it has become a medium of instruction in colleges of teachers education in Oromia. Having qualified personnel in Afan Oromo has therefore become an urgent need of the region. Therefore, the Government of Oromia Regional State has given due attention to promote Afan Oromo in order to meet this urgent demand for qualified professionals in Afan Oromo. Concomitantly, the program was launched at Oromia College of Teachers Education in 1985 for the first time in the history of the country. Since then, the Department has been offering Afan Oromo courses in regular, extension and summer in-service programs.

Mission of the Department

To create Afan Oromo as one of linguistically developed and widely accepted language.

Vision of the Department

To cultivate well trained Afan Oromo language experts those have reliable knowledge about the language and their society.

Main Objectives of the Department

The Afan Oromo department needs language trainees to be aware of the language and culture. Modern issues regarding language like multilingualism and bilingualism, cross-cultural communication, etc should also be emphasized to enable the candidates gain general knowledge about the language.

The Specific Objectives of the Department

  • To offer quality courses that can enable students ready for various occupational purposes.
  • To coordinate various researches conducted in and/or on Afan-Oromo.
  • To conduct training and workshops for further advancement of the language and, take part in community based development activities.
  • To carry out research activities to standardize Afan Oromo.


 The Department of English Language is one of the departments in the College, which provides common courses for all students of the college and major courses for English-Focus students to train in diploma level and host for the primary schools of the region.

Objectives of the Department

  • To train English Language professionals for primary schools;
  • To produce well qualified professional teachers of English language;
  • To produce professionals who are well trained in studying different linguistic, literary and cultural aspects of a given society;
  • To extend the programs so as to address the need of the society;



Mission and Vision of the Department

The Department of English Language in RCTE works towards achieving the mission of the country at large and Oromia region in particular, by producing qualified individuals with the required competence in teaching profession.

Service Offered by the Department

  • Providing short term trainings on languages and language teaching methods;
  • Offering tutorial and special classes for nearby primary school students;
  • Offering common courses to all departments across the College;
  • Providing different training for college staff to improve their language proficiency;
  • Providing English Language Improvement Program (ELIP) for graduating students;
  • Giving e-lesson service (e-library) for college community.


The Department of Amharic Language was established in 2012 EC at RCTE under the Language Stream in addition to Afan Oromo and English departments.

The department of Amharic, at its inception and early stage of development, is small and limited in scope, catering for a very small number of students within the department.  The primary aim of the department is to produce qualified Amharic language teachers for primary schools. In order to satisfy this demand, recently the department has enrolled thirteen trainees and it has been training them.

Although the main objectives of the teaching stream still focused on Amharic teachers for primary schools and in a limited manner for colleges, the graduates of the department could not satisfy the needs of primary schools all over the region. The need for producing qualified Amharic language teachers for colleges also ought to be heightened.

Mission and Vision of the Department

The mission of the Department of Amharic Language is to produce competent graduates in Amharic language teaching, literature and folklore. Specifically, it was started to produce competent and well-skilled Amharic language teachers with adequate methodological concepts in teaching the specified language at primary schools. In addition the department is aimed at providing trainings for primary school Amharic teachers on:

-teaching methods

-use of instructional materials

-classroom management                                           

Moreover, establishing different college based clubs in which student-teachers exercise and practice the language is another mission of the department.


Full Name



Area of Specialization

E-mail address


Aman GeleteTulbi



MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language


DebebeTola Jima



MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language


Gudeta Kabeto Denboba

Afan Oromo


MA in Teaching Afan Oromo and Literature




Seifu Demissie



MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language





MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language


Mogos Abate Anberbir



MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language



Afan Oromo


MA in Teaching Afan Oromo and Literature


Tadu Mamo Atime

Afan Oromo


MA in Teaching Afan Oromo and Literature


Teha Mama Abdu

Afan Oromo


MA in Teaching Afan Oromo and Literature

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